Your photo as a photo poster
Your photo as a photo poster

Add power to your photos, be bold and design your own photo poster directly online!

Go Get Creative

Photo printing in large sizes: Easy as pie and at best quality-price-ratio

Taking tons of pictures? It's time to give your digital snaps a new life.

Pick your best pictures and simply let Pixum print them in the bes possible quality. Decorate your walls with the new Wall Art made by you! Pixum guarantees you affordable prices and brilliant colours. Whether as a Photo Poster, or a high-quality Acrylic Print, a lightweight Aluminium Print with a modern metallic look or an elegant canvas Print - be bold and pick the maximal size the photo allows. Think big and unlock the power of your best shots!

Most popular sizes

Poster in 30×20 cm

    from 5,99 ¤

Poster in 60×40 cm

    from 13,99 ¤

Poster in 90×60 cm

    from 22,99 ¤

Here is how get your photo printed as poster

An easy way to your new Wall Art

To print your pictures in large sizes as photo posters, you either design them directly in the Online-Designer or use our free Pixum Photo World software:

  1. first, you select a material for your Wall Art to be printed on, the size and format for your picture - for a Photo Poster, you also select a matching paper type (e.g., matt, glossy or metallic shiny paper) and a poster frame if you wish.
  2. now, upload the photo you want to have you your walls
  3. drag the photo to the empty image area. You can easily zoom into the picture to adjust the crop area.
  4. pick a matching Layout if you want to have several images printed on one poster.
  5. you can also set a background colour and/or add further images and text areas to your draft.
  6. edit the picture if necessary. Zoom in, rotate, change the colours/ saturation/ brightness/ contrast.
  7. happy with the draft? Simply add your picture to the shopping cart and submit the order. Your very own photo poster will arrive just in few days!

Pixum tip

Here's something important:

To get the best possible result, your picture should have a high pixel resolution. The more pixels it has, the better the printing result. If the resolution of the file or the quality and size of the photo is not sufficient, a warning triangle will appear automatically. This indicates a possible loss of quality when printing later on. We recommend switching to a smaller size to make sure, your new Wall Art is neither blurred nor pixelated.

Go get your best snaps printed!

Get the most of your favourite photos and design a high-quality photo poster directly in our Online Designer. An artwork ready within a few clicks. Have fun making your photo poster!

Why photo printing at Pixum?

It's that simple: If you like to take pictures, you also want to display your pictures in the best possible way. And the easiest way to make your favourite snaps amazing is to print them in large sizes! This way you can show your most beautiful photos in an impressive way and have a true eye-catcher on your wall. Here at Pixum, you get your photo poster in the best possible quality at very affordable prices!

Unlock Your Creativity with Pixum!

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Jigsaw Photo Puzzle

Order a custom photo puzzle for more quality time with the family! It will definitely help you boost your family team spirit.

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Order your Photo Prints online - the best quality for your best memories with a 100-year colour guarantee!

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Enjoy award-winning quality with a wide range of sizes - design Photo Books in vibrant colours and premium materials!

Train Your Brain with a Photo Memory Game
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It'll become your most favourite board game - 25 pairs of cards, each pair printed with your uploaded photo. How soon will you find a match?

Best Practice Tips

A photo looks much more imposing when printed in large

Your pictures can make beautiful and highly personalised gifts. A photo from your recent holiday or the latest family snapshot in a suitable frame is a great gift for birthdays or Christmas.

There must be a plenty of wonderful pictures in your photo storage - be it a picture of the wedding ceremony, the band performance or a breathtaking landscape! And how about a new poster for the living room with a photo printed on it, you have a special emotional connection to? This is something you are sure to be getting with every Pixum delivery! Simply run the Online Designer (by navigating to the desired section in the navy bar or install) the free Pixum Photo World software and design your new photo poster true to your taste!

Pixum tip

What else can you make with your photos?

A new Wall Art ist only one option you have here at Pixum. You can make much more out of your pictures! Just have a look at our other photo products: From the all-time favourite Pixum Photo Book to practical Photo Gifts or beautiful Photo Calendars. Unleash your creativity and design great artworks with your own photos.

How Much Does My Wall Art Cost?

Use our price calculator to get the best price-performance ratio for your new Wall Art:

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    Create now
    • The photo book you have chosen is currently only available in the Pixum Photoworld Software. Please create this photo book on your PC/Mac or select one of our other formats.

      Online Designer

      • simple design options
      • create directly online
      • no installation required